The Meridian Restorations Foundation
Merrehope is operated by the Meridian Restorations Foundation and was opened to the public in 1968 for Historic tours as well as an event venue perfect for private events and weddings.
905 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Meridian, Mississippi 39301
(601) 483-8439
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 8262
Meridian, MS 39303
GIFT SHOP: Visit Eugenia’s Gift Shop where you can find Mississippi and Merrehope memorabilia as well as unique gifts to commemorate your visit.
DONATIONS: The Meridian Restorations Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax deductible organization. The preservation and restoration of our iconic historic properties depend on generous donations from our friends and visitors.
VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers of all types are always needed. Your time and expertise are welcomed as a greeter, gardener, cleaner, tree decorator, server, fundraiser, office worker, or repairman, just to name a few.

Email Us
Use your skills and talents as a volunteer. Honor these special homes with your donations. Join the momentum, and let’s give these treasures the love and care they deserve so they can be enjoyed today and by future generations!

Join us in celebrating and preserving Meridian’s most historic and beautiful landmarks. Friends of Merrehope play a significant role in the day-to-day operations of Merrehope and the F. W. Williams Home.
Click the link below and join today!
Friends of Merrehope Application

The Meridian Restorations Foundation has launched the “Raise the Roof” Capital Campaign, our comprehensive plan to save and operate Merrehope and the F.W. Williams Home.
A new roof is needed at Merrehope as well as immediate repairs to both houses. Under the Board’s leadership, Merrehope has been awarded a grant from the Mississippi Department of Archives and History for a new roof and repairs to the damage and deterioration caused by leaking rainwater. This work (Phase 1) has started, and we are raising funds for Phase 2! The roof is critical but only part of the vision. The Meridian Restorations Foundation is determined to restore Meridian’s oldest homes to their past grandeur. Partner with us in this endeavor to preserve, restore and maintain these treasures.
905 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.
Meridian, Mississippi 39301